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Me, in Bangladesh

Hi! My name is Heather Plett and I am a fumbler.

Around here, I’m mostly fumbling for words.

But I’m also fumbling for truth, fumbling for beauty, fumbling for wisdom, fumbling for art, fumbling for friendship, fumbling for peace, fumbling for significance, fumbling for faith, fumbling for connection, fumbling for meaning, fumbling for justice, and fumbling for hope.

This is not an expert blog where you’ll find advice on how to live your best life, how to maximize your assets, how to find true happiness, how to move past the blocks in your life, or how to make a pile of money the easy way. You won’t find ten easy steps toward ANYTHING around here (unless it’s tongue-in-cheek).

But if you’re a fumbler like me, you’re more than welcome to join my tribe! I think you’ll find it a safe place to try new things, learn from our mistakes, and fumble toward truth and beauty.

Fumblers, Stumblers, and Fools – all are welcome here!


If you’re interested in where I do some of my fumbling, here’s a non-comprehensive list:

–    I have worked in professional communications for 12 years. (involving elements of media relations, public relations, fundraising, marketing, writing, editing, public speaking, etc.) (Fumbling for truth. And a voice.)
–    I have been in a position of leadership for about 10 years, directing diverse (and sometimes national) teams in a variety of government and non-profit organizations. (Trust me – even leaders can be fumblers.)
–    I was named the Manitoba Communicator of the Year in 2009 by the Canadian Public Relations Society. (No, it doesn’t mean I’m an “expert”, just that I managed to fumble with the best o’ them!)
–    I have served as a director in a non-profit organization for 5 years, leading a team focused on the stewardship of resources and giftedness in the service of people who are hungry. (Fumbling for justice. And hope.)
–    I have designed and facilitated a variety of workshops on creativity, leadership, teamwork, self-discovery, etc. (Fumbling for connection. And understanding. Wouldn’t you love to fumble with me?)
–    I’ve had my writing published in about 20 publications, including the Globe and Mail, Winnipeg Free Press, Beyond Ordinary Living, Cahoots, Rhubarb, Geez, etc. (Fumbling for words. And wisdom.)
–    As a mother of three amazing daughters, I am always looking for ways to support their unique giftedness and personalities, and help them get through the fumbling they need to do in their own lives. (Parents – aren’t we all just fumblers on this path? Trying to figure this huge task out as we go along?)
–    I’m a freelance photographer and just recently took up watercolour painting and drawing. (Fumbling for beauty. And art. Some of my very favourite kinds of fumbling!)
–    I have traveled all over the world and have met some of the most amazing people who are using their gifts in unique and remarkable ways in the service of justice and beauty. (Beautiful fumblers they are!)
–    I’ve been blogging for over 5 years, and I’ve also had about 10 years of experience in publishing professional newsletters. (Sharing my fumbling in so many places!)
–    I’ve been blessed with incredibly gifted friends and associates who’ve shared their wisdom and learning with me over the years. So happy I get to fumble along with them!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Beth Bates permalink
    April 29, 2010 11:44 am

    Heather, I found your blog on the Growing Blogs list (congrats, from No. 16 though your quality is so much better than mine), and I feel I’ve stumbled onto a good friend. I look forward to visiting more when I clock out from my nonprofit communication job. Beautiful blog! I’m going to need to pick your brain on format.

    Beth, fellow fumbler

  2. Katharine permalink
    June 18, 2010 2:10 pm

    I’ve finally arrived, fumbling along the way, to find your blog, Heather. Simply beautiful. I’ll be back in touch to get some advice as I create my own. Loved the visceral memories of sea kayaking and ALIA…thank you for posting. Love, Katharine

  3. June 23, 2010 9:39 am

    Just fumbled into you via Julie Daley. Love the posts about your recent conference and leadership. I will be back again and again…

  4. September 2, 2010 10:10 am

    What a lovely blog and what an intriguing introduction to you. Found you through Anvilcloud. Really plan to be back. Your photos are amazing.

  5. October 13, 2010 4:18 am

    I’ve discovered your blog with the help of Jen Louden and now I look forward to fumbling my way through it. You’re photos are brilliant and your words are like salve on my soul. Thanks for sharing your talents and keep up the good work! xoxo Pam

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